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The IR compensation module is an optional extension for the PalmSens4. The resistance between the reference electrode and the double layer of the specimen can cause a significant potential drop, decreasing the applied potential where it is required. The module provides positive feedback to compensate for the iR drop between reference electrode and the outside of the double layer of the electrochemical cell.
The iR Drop Compensation Module supports the following techniques:
Linear Sweep Voltammetry
Cyclic Voltammetry
Square Wave Voltammetry
Differential Pulse Voltammetry
Normal Pulse Voltammetry
Multistep Amperometry
Click here for PalmSens4 specifications and information
Click here for PalmSens4 iR Drop Compensation Module specifications and information
(Previous item number PALM-MPS4-IRdrop)
Category: Electroanalytical Chemistry
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