Interfacing Accessories With The Epsilon


Cell Stand (C3 and CGME)

Manual Settings dialog box

Figure 1. Manual Settings dialog box.

Various operations of BASi® Cell Stands (i.e., purge and stir for the C3 Cell Stand; purge, stir, and knock/dispense for the CGME Mercury Electrode) can be controlled from the epsilon.

  1. Connect the Cell Stand (C3 or CGME) to the epsilon using i) the 25-pin ribbon cable provided with the Cell Stand between the CELL STAND port on the rear panel of the epsilon and the REMOTE port of the Cell Stand and ii) the LEMO-LEMO cable provided with the Cell Stand between the CELL port of the Cell Stand and the W1 port of the epsilon.
  2. Select the appropriate Cell Stand (C3 - Cell Stand or CGME SMDE Mode) in the Setup / Manual Settings (I/O) dialog box (Fig1) in the Experiment menu.


RDE-2 Rotating Disk Electrode

Manual Settings dialog box

Figure 2. Manual Settings dialog box for the RDE-2.

The rotation and purging functions of RDE-2 Rotating Disk Electrode can be controlled from the epsilon.

  1. Connect the RDE-2 to the epsilon using i) the 37-pin ribbon cable provided with the PWR-3 between the ACCESSORIES ports on the two instruments and ii) the LEMO-LEMO cable provided with the RDE-2 between the CELL port of the RDE-2 and the W1 port of the epsilon.
  2. Select RDE-2 in the Setup / Manual Settings (I/O) dialog box (Fig2) in the Experiment menu. Valid rotation rates are 0, 50 - 10,000 RPM.


Figure 3. Control of rotation rate during an experiment

Rotation rate during an experiment is set under Cell in the Parameters dialog box (F3), and is available for all techniques other than Chronopotentiometry, Double Step Chronopotentiometry, and Open Circuit Potential vs. Time.

In addition to rotation during experiments, rotation can be controlled during the following periods:

1. Deposition Time (Parameters dialog box of stripping techniques)

2. During Quiet Time + Experiment (Cell in Parameters dialog box)

3. Between Experiments (MR in Parameters dialog box)

PWR-3 Power Module

Manual Settings dialog box

Figure 4. Manual Settings dialog box for the PWR-3.

The BASi® PWR-3 Power Module can be controlled using the epsilon software.

  1. Connect the PWR-3 to the epsilon using i) the 37-pin ribbon cable provided with the PWR-3 between the ACCESSORIES ports on the two instruments and ii) the LEMO-LEMO cable provided with the PWR-3 between the REMOTE port of the PWR-3 and the W1 port of the epsilon.
  2. Select PWR-3 Connected in the Setup / Manual Settings (I/O) dialog box (Fig4) in the Experiment menu.
  3. Set the PWR-3 front panel Function switch to Standby (the epsilon will turn cell On/Off).
  4. Valid Full Scale current ranges for the PWR-3 are 1 Amp, 100 mA, and 10 mA.

Techniques that work with PWR-3 connected are:

  • Cyclic Voltammetry
  • Linear Sweep Voltammetry
  • Chronoamperometry/Chronocoulometry
  • Controlled Potential Electrolysis
  • DC Potential Amperometry

Therefore, when the PWR-3 is connected, all other techniques are labeled as DEMO under Select NEW Experiment. Data files for DEMO techniques can be loaded, but new experiments cannot be run (this includes files of the compatible techniques that were acquired without the PWR-3 connected).

Since the PWR-3 is a separate potentiostat, the following epsilon features will NOT work with the PWR-3 connected:

  • iR compensation
  • Measurement of the open-circuit (rest or equilibrium potential)
  • Apply Open Circuit Potential for Initial E

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